Arts, Culture, and Heritage Strategy 2022-2027

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Consultation closed on 24 February 2022.

We're seeking your feedback on our draft Arts, Culture, and Heritage Strategy.

We’ve spent some time reviewing the strategy. After working alongside our partners, interest groups, and Ōrongomai and Mana Whenua, we’ve created a strategy that will serve the Arts, Culture and Heritage sector in Upper Hutt well over the next five years.

Before we adopt the strategy, we’d like some feedback from you. We’re open to all feedback, but we have posed some specific considerations:

  • our definitions of arts, culture, and heritage
  • our vision and mission for arts, culture, and heritage
  • the objectives of the draft strategy
  • how well the high-level action plan covers all the objectives

Next steps

  1. Read the draft strategy in the Supporting Information section.
  2. Complete the online submission form below, or print the soft copy from in the Supporting Information section and email it to

The draft Strategy and post-paid paper submission forms are also available at Council reception, Upper Hutt Libraries (Central and Pinehaven), and Whirinaki Whare Taonga.

Unfortunately we can't hold public events in person during the red traffic light setting but if you'd like to have a chat with a member of the team before you make your submission, please contact us at

Feedback closes at 5pm on 24 February 2022.

We're seeking your feedback on our draft Arts, Culture, and Heritage Strategy.

We’ve spent some time reviewing the strategy. After working alongside our partners, interest groups, and Ōrongomai and Mana Whenua, we’ve created a strategy that will serve the Arts, Culture and Heritage sector in Upper Hutt well over the next five years.

Before we adopt the strategy, we’d like some feedback from you. We’re open to all feedback, but we have posed some specific considerations:

  • our definitions of arts, culture, and heritage
  • our vision and mission for arts, culture, and heritage
  • the objectives of the draft strategy
  • how well the high-level action plan covers all the objectives

Next steps

  1. Read the draft strategy in the Supporting Information section.
  2. Complete the online submission form below, or print the soft copy from in the Supporting Information section and email it to

The draft Strategy and post-paid paper submission forms are also available at Council reception, Upper Hutt Libraries (Central and Pinehaven), and Whirinaki Whare Taonga.

Unfortunately we can't hold public events in person during the red traffic light setting but if you'd like to have a chat with a member of the team before you make your submission, please contact us at

Feedback closes at 5pm on 24 February 2022.